Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Seven years ago today

It may not be important for some people. It may sound childish, cheesy, or crappy. But to me, it's another reason to celebrate; another reminder of how on earth we could be where we are now.

And this day, this date is certainly a milestone for us. Seven years together, and finally on the seventh year, we will be together together. No more long distance calls or desperately waiting for the weekend to come.

Thanks for putting up with me on and off the phone for the last seven years, you. Whoever said drinking buddies can't get together and get married? :D

1 comment:

pomponette! said...

Mba Putri,
Salam kenal ya. Landed here karena lg browsing2 buat wedding prep. Eh somehow keasikan baca dan end up reading for hours blognya padahal topik wedding udah abis, jd malah go back dan baca dr awal lg. Bagus mba blognya, i enjoy your writing very much. Coba bikin novel aja gimana? ;)