One of my most favorite accessories to shop for is ring. I like looking at, buying, and wearing rings on my fingers in any occasion. Therefore, when it comes to wedding band, I figured it would be easy to pick because I easily like rings.
The one thing of this wedding preparation that I couldn't make up my mind about was the ring. That's why I have never talked about it until now, 'cos up to last week, I didn't have any slightest picture on how our rings would look like.
Of course, like most engaged (Muslim) couple, there was the debate on whether we should opt for gold, white gold, platinum, or palladium. According to Islam, men are not allowed to wear yellow gold just as they are prohibited from wearing 100-percent silk on their body. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Meanwhile, (I think) I want yellow gold as my ring. But then again if Bangun wears a silvery color, it means our rings will look different. Even though really no one but us will give a damn about it.
Beneran deh, kurang penting banget dilema ini.
So anyway, knowing we had to make a decision at some point before November, we went to Kaliem in Blok M Square to buy the one jewelry item that will stay in my finger forever. Ain't. That. Choking.
Kaliem has always been my mom's favorite store when shopping for gold jewelry, so we decided to order the rings there. Believe me, it was not an easy process. We spent practically the whole afternoon trying on those rings, I have to raise my glass for the man behind the counter who served us. Patiently, he sketched and took notes of our requests, because of course we want rings that are not on display.
In short, my ring will be in yellow gold with a very thin white gold line and a tiny diamond in the middle, and Bangun's will wear a full white gold one. I think.
Will post pictures after the rings are made, which should be sometime next week, but right now I'm feeling queasy thinking about whether it will meet our requests. I have been crossing my fingers too often, I'm gonna mistake my index finger for the middle one.
Jadi manten emang mesti berlebihan dramanya
Penting banget kog!
No Drama, No Manten! :P
Eh, ada Yatty! Apa kabarnya, terakhir ketemu di kampus haha. Kamu mau nikah juga yaa? Kapan?
Hehehe.. udah lama gila.. :P
Iyah, bulan depan neh. Drama, drama n drama.. Ckckck
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