Monday, September 26, 2011

Fifty three days before

Welcoming two new vendors in our list: First is my good friend from high school, Laili, and her band. As I once said, music is an important aspect of our life. Therefore, when it comes to wedding singer, I don't want to pick random jazzy band to perform random Jason Mraz/Michael Buble songs on repeat with bad pronunciation.

After an even more mind-boggling hunt, our choice fell on Laili. We (I, Bangun and Laili) went to the same class for a year in high school, and I know her taste in music and her singing style.

And so it's a deal. Now I'm just hoping she'll accept my song list without crossing my name from her list of friends.

Second vendor is Ratu Wedding for my makeup. Have I mentioned before, I'm not quite sure about Cut Marlyn's makeup? They are not bad, but they're just not my taste. I worship the quality of their décor and traditional costume collection, but if there is one flaw of the vendor, it's their bridal makeup.

Naturally, I started looking for another vendor. It wasn't easy. Since Cut Marlyn didn't want to deduct the package price even though we took out the makeup service (which is a bit evil, if I may add), we of course had to expand our budget for this. And tell me, dear readers, tell me any easy way to talk a man into spending even more money for a look that will last five hours on top of bulging expenses to throw a "party" for 1,200++ guests?

But thankfully Bangun understands.

I guess.

He said he understood how makeup is the most important thing to me (can I get a hell yeah, fellow brides?) but still reminded me to look for someone with a sensible price tag.

After a few weeks of browsing, calling, getting frustrated, considering going back to Cut Marlyn, and some more browsing, I found out that Ratu Wedding offered a very friendly price. Long story short, we made a deal and life is starting to look good again.

It's D-53, people, let's all show our steady hands and breeeeeeeeeathe!

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