Friday, May 06, 2011

Halfway there

Lima setengah bulan lagi.

...until Nov. 19. That's less than half a year away. That's no longer than 28 weeks. What have we achieved so far? Only venue, decoration, and caterer.

Oh, and a possible set of engagement pictures. I always avoided having my engagement pictures, or as it is widely known here, pre-wed photos, taken. Why? Because it's crap. Because not for once have I seen a good engagement picture that is not tacky nor over-the-top.

However, Bangun recently argued that if we can take one decent picture, we can have it framed and put it on our wall, wherever our home is. That's one reason. Also, our friend proposed to be the photographer for free, and he will take care of the frames for the reception. Plus, I went to a high school friend's wedding the other day and really liked what he did for the engagement pics. So I said yes to the offer.

Off we went, on a cloudy Saturday afternoon, to this two venues to feel what it was like to be models. In a nutshell, we were too busy cursing and laughing at ourselves because we couldn't get any cheesier. Our poses were what I hated seeing in couples; holding hands, looking at each other, standing under a tree. Good thing I wasn't wearing a fancy dress and heavy make-up.

Looking at the result, I think it's still unlikely to put the photos up in the reception. Note to self: I better come up with a better concept in the next five months.

Five months!


prin_theth said...

CIEEEEE, nggak sabar liat pose-pose ala Jakarta Utaranya dehhh...

peds said...

Cieeee. Masih bingung mau pajang pose Jakarta Utara atau pose gadis Balaraja.