Thursday, April 14, 2011

A shot at a healthy life

Let's all be vain and talk about body weight for a while.

All my life, I am proud and thankful to say that I have a body that is...that looks healthy enough. OK by healthy I mean skinny. By skinny I mean I used to be the envy of my friends. I was that skinny bitch you secretly hate for not having to worry about anything while eating all the sugary desserts and greasy steaks.

But that was then. Now, as I get older, I can't deny the fact that when I look in the mirror, what used to be bones sticking out are...well, meat. I need a diet.

I know a few friends might say I'm an ungrateful Not just to get the look, but to live healthier. Like it or not, now I have to start thinking of cholesterol and sugar intake every time I eat. That, plus my mom's been a stage mom when it comes to body weight, because apparently she was so much thinner than I am now when she was at my age. You should really see her face when I told her I gained two kilos last week. Relax Mom, I don't have STDs.

So anyway, I've been looking at diet programs that are not torturing. But they're all a bit complicated to apply, what with counting the calories, fat to burn, etc, etc.

Enter dear future sister-in-law, with her own program that basically allows only a small amount of sugar every day. I witnessed how she lost a few kilos after trying this for a few weeks. Here are the sacrifices:
  • Breakfast: 4 sehat 5 sempurna, with low-fat milk 
  • 10 a.m.: fruits
  • Lunch: 4 sehat
  • 4 p.m.: fruits
  • Dinner, no later than 7 p.m.: 4 sehat
No potato, flour-based foods, and sweet drinks allowed.

I guess it means no Bebek Slamet, no martabak, no smoked ox-tongue, and no Betty Crocker brownies for a while. Hmm.

I'll get back to you in a few weeks.

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