Thursday, October 04, 2012


Dear Bob,

Before we continue, you must know that I am not one of those people who constantly update their blog. So pardon me for the untold stories from the missing weeks here.

Anyway, 32 weeks now; third trimester already. We had to wave goodbye to the quiet, joyful second trimester where there was no gagging, no heartburn, and my appetite went crazy. Now my body aches everywhere, my bladder costs me hundreds of bathroom visits all day and night, and the heartburn is back. Plus I can't eat as much as I want to anymore because you've gained a lot of weight already.

But then I just look at this:

and, cliche as it may seem, I can forget all those hassles. We finally took a 4D peek at you a couple of weeks ago and there you were, all pouting and squirming with, nose. Every time I look at the still pictures, I can't wait to have the real you in my hands! I keep having dreams about labor and picturing how the process will be, but I guess no matter how I imagine it, the real deal is still gonna be different. My biggest hope now is that your father will make it to the hospital on time from Balikpapan.

However, the doctors said you're still breech. Come on, pumpkin, work with me here. Turn that tiny head upside down so you can just slide right out of me in about 7 to 8 weeks.

In the meantime, be well. We're back in Jakarta now, and let's enjoy these last few weeks of me talking to you inside my tummy.