Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Looking back: Ratu Wedding

Speaking of Cut Marlyn, my biggest concern was their bridal make-up. Therefore, I decided to use Ratu Wedding instead, with their main make-up artist, Mbak Tanti.

Mbak Tanti is this young-looking, very pretty, very soft-spoken lady who is nice to be around with. She arrived earlier than me in PTIK, so that's a good beginning. Exactly at 1 p.m. She started to do her thang, and about 90 minutes later we were done. I like what she did for my akad, with the headpiece and the soft-yet-very-Sumatranese-kinclong make-up.

Make-up and hairdo by Mbak Tanti and team
 In the afternoon, she and her two assistants retouched the make-up and made it more eye-catching for the reception. I like it too, but I think it was a bit too thick. But hey what do I know, heavy make-up for me is colored lip balm, one-layer mascara and thin eyelines. I absolutely love the bindi she put on my forehead, though. Pretty.

Waiting for our par-tay to begin

They also put a soft layer of foundation (or was it powder?) to Bangun, and I think it was of the right amount. I often see grooms are overly made-up in weddings, and thank God mine was not one of them.

All in all, with the low price and high-quality service she presented, I give 5 out of 5 stars for Mbak Tanti of Ratu Wedding, despite the over-layering for the reception. Tapi kan katanya kalo nggak menor bukan manten Sumatra...

The person to contact is Lili or Ami at 021 4788 1712

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