Monday, September 12, 2011

One more progress

Finally, after a nerve-wrecking postpone, we handed the designs for the invitation to the printing vendor yesterday. After walking around the humid basement of Pasar Tebet and nearly getting mad over the words emboss, polyemboss, emboss mutiara, emboss buta and all that crap, we opted for one vendor....upstairs.

It's separated from the other shops in the basement, yet somehow it was the only one that we clicked with. Call me weird, but during this shindig's preparation, I find that chemistry with the vendors is important. No matter how good their product/service is, if I don't feel the chemistry with the people in it, then it's a no-no.

Anyway, Mas Vyan of this printing shop said the invitations should be ready in three weeks from the day we approve the design, whereas other vendors said it would take four. What's more nerve-wrecking was that almost everyone in every shop we went to told us "Wah kok bikin undangannya mepet ya Mas, Mbak, November kan sebentar lagi."

Bridezilla no likey. Bridezilla no need no one to tell that to her face. Grr.

So what's next? Well, good readers (which probably mean one or two of you), y'all better cross your fingers and hope that we will see the finished invitation within the next month. In the meantime, here's a sneak peek:

The inside part

The front part


snd said...


prin_theth said...

Dear bridezilla, UNDANGANNYA KOK MEPET BANGET?! *minta disundut* Perlu panggil awan kinton segala buat ngirimnya deh kali begini...

Hahaha, but don't worry. Things will usually be OK in the end. Because you won't really care. Yg penting sah sah sah rebes!!!

Peds said...

Amin amin amin yaa Kak Lei.