Saturday, August 20, 2011

In my dream last night,

We were having the reception, but it wasn't in PTIK. The place was more like a pendopo; like one of those Sasono's in Taman Mini. Anyway in my dream I walked along the red carpet up to the stage, worrying about how I looked. A few people whispered I looked pretty, but when I caught myself in a mirrored wall, my face looked very round-shaped and I didn't like it.

What's weirder was when I got to the stage, I realized the groom wasn't there. And then when the traditional dance started, it wasn't Saman or anything close to Acehnese dances, but it was some GSP-orchestrated number. Yes, all in colorful costume with over-the-top moves.

It didn't stop there. Suddenly Bangun arrived next to me, with a gold oversized beskap. WTF. He panicked because of that, which got me even more panicked. But what did we do? We took our brand-new camcorder (in real life, we are saving to buy one) and shoot the guests from the stage.

And then the dream ended. What. The. Hell.


runiindrani said...

is it time for the mate of honor to go to kota or glodok and find illegal valium knock-offs?

Peds said...

You know it only takes half a dozen of donuts to get me sleeping like a baby.