Thursday, August 25, 2011

Between the house chores and the job desc

Well, hello, new layout. Blog-five.

A new blog design during office hours means I'm either bored or got no task to do, or both. Therefore, let's talk about something related to the, what else, wedding.

Actually it's more related to the marriage. People have asked me whether I will be a working wife or a stay-at-home one. It has been a popular topic in forums, and here's my two cents.

Growing up wiith a single mother, I've always been taught to earn my own living. To use my education, my talents, whatever I have in this head, to make money and never depend on anyone else, even my future husband.

On the contrary, The Mister seems to have grown up in a family where the man feeds his wife and children, and the mother bears the responsibility to look after the household, from all aspects.

This can become a potential issue for us, but luckily so far, we're still on the same boat. As much as I respect a housewife and her huge responsibility to keep the family boat from falling apart, I don't think I am ready to be one. I like earning my own money. I like knowing that what I got in me can give me a reward. And it won't hurt to put those long 17 years of education into use, will it?

True, some say being a housewife also requires skills that cannot be underestimated. To be able to manage the family's financial balance while making sure the bills are paid on time, dishes are clean, and the kids are growing up fine is a surely one of the toughest, incomparable job descs in the world. But to me, being a housewife is a natural obligation of marrying a man. Whether you're working your ass 8 to 5 or not, you are a housewife; it's not an option. So all these debates about which one is better really doesn't make sense.

Of course I am speaking blindly without any experience. Kalo udah ngerasain pulang kantor jam 9 malem diteror cucian kotor sama anak mewek, mungkin beda lagi perspektifnya. Tapi mudah-mudahan enggak, sih. And by the way, I do plan to stay at home for a few years when we're having kids.

So how about us? What will I be?

You see, with Bangun's current job, there is a big opportunity for him to be stationed in Balikpapan, his very own hometown. I don't wanna be in a long-distance marriage so when it happens, I'm coming with him. Which means I have to lose my job here; a not-so-shabby job in a blue-chip, definitely-not-shabby consumer goods company. I don't know how the job market is in Balikpapan, I know nothing about the city, let alone its work opportunities.

Will I be a stay-at-home wife with no job, then?

Well, the dream is to find a freelance gig in writing. But again, I can't say much because I'm not there yet. Who knows, I'll be so caught up in house chores, I won't have the energy to work in an office?

Work or no work, it's time to start thinking and acting like a housewife.

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