Thursday, July 07, 2011

This is just to cross something off the big list

Back when I still couldn't care less about marriage, I always thought I'd want a wedding because of one thing; to have seserahan handed over to me. I mean, tell me if there is any better tradition than to ask for clothes, shoes, bags, and whatever it is you want to your fiance.

Now, as November's getting closer, surprisingly my enthusiasm to look for seserahan is nearing rock bottom. It's somehow complicated and dreadful to think that I have to buy all those things, have them wrapped, only to be ripped open where? In my room. Where maybe only ten people will see.

Don't get me wrong, I love to shop. I can be very depressed if I don't see any mall for a straight few weeks. It's just that..I don't know what I want. I feel that seserahan must be something I'll remember for good, not just any gifts. I think there's a pressure in the idea, and that's why I've been back and forth in deciding what I want.

However, after a few alterations here and there, here's what I and Bangun came up with for his seserahan gifts for me, and what we can cross off our list so far, thanks to Jakarta Great Sale:
  1. Kebaya + Kain batik
  2. Bedsheets
  3. Body care products + A set of towels
  4. Black dress + Make-up set
  5. Baju Muslim/Mukenah
  6. A pair of shoes + Everyday clutch
  7. Fruits/Sweets
This month should be the best time to buy the rest, since the sale is on. Yet I just don't have that same...spark I had when thinking about seserahan a few years back. Rasanya tuh uangnya mendingan dipake buat beli kasur King Koil atau jamban Toto atau kompor Modena.

Uh-oh am I growing up and becoming a boring ibu-ibu?


aryanimia said...

persis ped, splurgenya mending buat kasur dan kompor deh! lainnya menurutku (daripada dicibir tante2) buat syarat aja, ada tapi ga perlu sampe mungutin receh dari puun..etapi terserah jenggul siiih..hahahaha

peds said...

Iyaaaa abis aku syok liat harga kasur. Aku akhirnya beli yang butuh aja, sisanya kuserahkan sama Jenggul dan Tante Yayu hehehe.