Ever since we decided to have the reception in PTIK, it has been settled that we would have our nuptial ceremony in the academy's mosque. I'm not a religious person, but I think to have the holy ceremony inside a holy venue is, well, perfect. I could already imagine the quietness inside as Bangun would say his vow, surrounded by a humbling atmosphere. We would be, after all, in God's house.
Eh, bener kan ya, mesjid rumah Allah?
Anyway, technically, every thing has also been settled. The decoration, the proper outfit to tie the knot inside a mosque, the food arrangements, all done.
Then on Saturday, Bangun told me what he'd just found out; that having a nuptial ceremony in a mosque was never a recommendation at all. If anything, contrary to popular belief, it can lead people to commit sins. Why? Because we, the hosts, cannot guarantee that our guests will dress and behave properly when they enter the mosque. We can't even guarantee that we will.
This was told by Bangun's colleague who, according to him, has a broad knowledge of Islam. Not wanting to believe in one man's opinion, I spent the afternoon Googling the issue. And it came up with the same argument; that no one in Islamic history ever suggested Muslims to get married inside a mosque.
Because who can guarantee that we and the guests will cover our body properly? That we will wear just a moderate amount of make-up? That our aunts, if not us, will not wear bling-bling rocks so big, it will blind the sun? That as a form of respect, we will take our wudhu and pray upon entering the mosque?
Again, I'm not a religious person. But as my man, the future imam to my family, said, as grand as getting married in a mosque will be, why stain our first step of marriage with potential sins?
PS: I'd really love to discuss this further. So to you silent readers out there, this would be the perfect time to come out and let me know what you think.
wuuu huuu..PTIK cuuuy.. bisa mampir ke blok m plaza donk yah abis kondangan.., hohoho.. good luck with the preparation yaaa... wish happiness for you and bangun... ciihuuuyy
Anank! Ahaha gak sangka ketemu lo di sini, makasih yaa udah baca :D Amiiiiin mohon doanya yah, dan harus dateng!
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