I think, I think, there's another light coming up in this rather dark tunnel of Wouhaha. Yesterday, we went to our vendor for decoration, outfit, and make-up... Cut Marlyn.
Why Cut Marlyn? Why not check out other Acehnese vendors first, like Diah Decoration or Eliza? Well, as much as I tried to be logical and look around for more affordable options, I can't imagine the wedding without Cut Marlyn's decoration.
From what I see in their photos, their style is different from your usual Acehnese wedding. Now, we all know that Sumatrans like to par-tay like it's the 80s; bright colors are everywhere. If you don't have bright red, pink, yellow and gold in your party, then you shouldn't call it one. This could be tricky; not everyone can use these colors and blend it into one grand, elegant design.
Also, judging from how they store their beskap, songket, and bling-blings, Cut Marlyn and her daughter are two highly-organized hygiene freaks. Which guarantees our stage, backdrop and flowers will be put right where they should be, and our outfits laundered before The Day.
Speaking of outfits, we decided to wear a combination of maroon-black-gold for the reception, and this color for the akad:
Pretty or pretty?
As for the decoration, it's probably gonna be white and gold, with a touch of red. I leave the rest to Cut Marlyn and her crew so it's up to them how are they going to arrange those colors together. One known trait of the lady is that she is very...assertive, to put it mildly, in commanding her team. She knows what's good for the party, and we should just follow her direction. In result, Acehnese wedding parties in her hands are not your regular pesta Melayu.
Oh, and another thing. Turned out I'm still related to Nyak Cik Marlyn, so yay, special deals!
Elope-o-meter: 2. Well, depends on Cut Marlyn's final price offer.
Oh your sunting's gonna be so pretty, Mbak'e! I love her suntings! Aduh ngakak deh, bener banget kita-kita org sebrang always party like it's 1989.
Amiiiin ya robbal alamin. Ih iya, mari kita tunjukkan eksistensi di pulau ini dengan tren warna bling-bling sepanjang masa.
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