The whole wedding brouhaha, or Wouhaha, as my genius Mate of Honor said, is on pause, due to the mean, mean dengue fever that caused the groom to be hospitalized. Therefore, for the last two weeks, there is practically no updates on the preparation.
Making me crazy? Not really. Anxious? Hell yeah.
We—fingers crossed—have booked the venue, so now I think it's time to move on to the next issue: catering service. So far, we have been going back and forth between options. Here's a few. We are putting limits on our choices, because otherwise, it would be more confusing.
1.Bu Djoko Catering: Price-wise, it is the cheapest, definitely friendly for our budget. I saw their performance in a reception once, and it was pretty satisfying. Of course, I came early when they practically hadn't started working, but I'd give two thumbs up for the preps. Also, their uniform is definitely a plus point. The waiters and waitresses wore black and red blazers, and headscarf for the ladies. Nice. However, I haven't tasted their foods.
2. Alfabet Catering: The price is, well, reasonable. Foods are good, but not memorable. Their plus point is that they have this Dutch Corner stall, where they serve Dutch snacks and dressed like Dutch maids. Cute, but not actually in theme with my Acehnese wedding. However, when I saw them in a reception for the second time, they didn't perform very well. A few stalls didn't have matching tablecloth. I know it seems as unimportant as the next mosquito in your arm, but when you're the bride, it means the world. Believe me.
3. Adhika Catering: A bit more pricey than Alfabet. But I love love love the foods, ever since I tried them during a friend's reception. Their decoration is also nice-looking, and the waiters seemed professional enough not to leave dirty dishes everywhere. However, their marketing department seems a bit...ignorant. No follow-ups whatsoever since the last time we talked; hopefully, if we do hire them, they won't be as ignorant.
4. Akasya: Price is........ Anyway. It's funny how I'd always thought that Akasya had one of the best foods, best decorations, best services in town. And then I realized, I couldn't remember when the hell did I taste their foods. After a short visit and chitchat with the marketing department, we made our peace not to hire them because we can't afford it. However, lately the name Akasya has been re-surfacing in discussions about catering. Seems to me that Mrs. Mother-in-Law would like to have them in her son's wedding. Yah, Ibu, asal dibayarin sih bu.....
5. I don't even know whether I should put this on the list or not. From the beginning, I didn't even dare to dream that Gandrung would be serving foods on my wedding reception. They scream expensive, exclusive, high-end. However, like Akasya, the name has been mentioned quite a lot during discussions. And unlike Akasya, I've actually tasted their foods, and hell yeah it's good. We've got the price list in hand, so who knows, there's still a possibility.
Personally, I don't mind the brand, whether it's “Oh, I had Akasya on my wedding,” or “Oh, I had my aunt's neighbor's fried rice for my wedding,” as long as the guests are satisfied. Really, almost every catering taste the same to me.
So how do we choose? And more importantly, roast beef or ribs steak?
Elope-o-meter: 2. I want both roast beef and ribs steak on the VIP booth.
is gandrung THAT expensive? wew i never knew. langganan ibu2 pln sih, jadi gue cuma tau rasanya doang.. ga pernah tau harganya
alfabet did a good job buat salah satu acaranya kakak gue. but yeah they lack in displays.
akasya... ya akasya lah yaaa. hahahah.
adhika belom pernah nyoba..
bu djoko belom pernah nyoba pun. tapi temennya mak gue namanya bu djoko. hobi pake baju warna merah. (penting abeeess)
roast beef or ribs steak? if the ribs steak is that good, get the steak. kalo rasanya kayak sate, ya jangan dong ah. heheh.
(gmana kalo buget ribs/roast beef dialokasikan buat ngirim kambing guling ke gue? *kedip2*)
Hahaha. Gandrung mirip-mirip sih sama Akasya.
...Gue mulai eneg denger dua nama itu, sumpah deh.
Anyway, sini duluuuu bulan November, baru dikasih kambing guling!
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