There it went. Wednesday, Nov. 17 will be one of those days that I'll remember for the rest of my life. Amid the mix of Javanese wajik, jaddah, sekapur sirih, and Acehnese timpan, peuleut kuning, and of course, kari kambing-roti jala, Geng Seroja proposed to Geng Kuricang!
I like how it turned out. It was just as low-key, just as simple as I had wanted it to be. Only about 25 people were there, but they were really the closest ones in our families, so I didn't have to plaster a fake smile to anyone.
“Aw” moment was when my father cried while asking whether I was willing to be “taken” by Bangun. For me, the hardest part was when I sat across Geng Seroja and did not find Oom Adjie there, and the whole day I kept thinking how much he would've gotten along well with Dad. But heyyy, let's not dwell on sad moments too much, shall we.
Photos will be up in Facebook since all I have now with me is the lousy low-res from BlackBerry.
For the next year, if you see a girl walking around with a bling-bling necklace with tiara-shaped pendant on her, that will be me.
OK now bring on the real thang; vendors, get ready for us! Be prepared, my fiance is the kind who would calculate the number of rose petals spread on the red carpet at the reception!
Elope-o-meter: 0. Too excited!
Congrats Mbak Putri Prameshwari! Kalo mau tanya2 adfis soal nikahan you know who to call. Don't elope! You'll be missing out one of the biggest drama of ur life!!
Makasih Laila Achmad, aku terharu bacanya. Apa memang kalo mau nikah jadi agak lebih gampang terharu ya.......
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